• À propos

    Vous naviguez actuellement sur le site « Saycet.Org - Lost In Dreams And Reality », premier site internet non-officiel consacré à Saycet. Parcourez les différentes rubriques pour en découvrir plus à son sujet : albums, clips, dates de concerts et plus encore. Vous pouvez, si vous le désirez, débuter votre visite en accédant à la biographie de Saycet en cliquant sur le lien ci-après :

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  • En lumière
    Saycet.Org - Lost Track (After Glory) - Vidéoclip

    Vidéoclip du titre « After Glory (Lost Track) » extrait du premier EP « Opal ».

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  • Actualités récentes
    Réouverture du site
    Aucun commentaire | by Webmestre | posted on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015
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    Saycet in concert at the Trabendo (Paris) on Nov 24th
    Aucun commentaire | by Webmestre | posted on Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
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What am i supposed to say
I run out of words, see
What am i supposed to say
I run out of time, still
What am i supposed to be
I’d pull my weight
What am i supposed to do
I need to wait

I would like to catch the wind
Or instants and playground mischiefs
There’s so much i can forget
To get back to where things started

What am i supposed to say
I run out of words, see
What am i supposed to say
I run out of time, still
What am i supposed to be
I’d pull my weight
What am i supposed to do
To make you wait

I would like to catch the wind
Or instants and playground mischiefs
There’s so much i can forget
To get back to where things started
I would like to catch the wind
And run to you to unwind this
There’s so much i can accept
To go back to where we started